Friday, October 23, 2015

Mindset On My Mind - Chapter 1 Disco

Barb contributed today's post. Her other thinking about mindset can be found here.

I'm re-reading Carol Dweck's Mindset and writing about my thinking. I encourage you to grab a copy and read and think along with me!

My notes from Chapter 1 - The Mindsets 
(reading and thinking done over breakfast)

A mindset is the mental frame one applies to life (learning, successes, challenges, etc.). Dweck suggests that although mindset is developed through an interaction of nature (genetics), nurture, and environment, one's mindset (and one's intelligence) is under constant development.

Dweck's research suggests two types of mindsets - fixed and growth. Those with a fixed mindset believe intelligence and other qualities are not malleable. They might avoid situations in which they would look less than smart or not experience success. They might surround themselves with people who build their self-esteem and do not challenge them.

In contrast, those with a growth mindset see challenge and failure as opportunities to learn and grow. They are able to accurately identify their strengths and weaknesses and seek feedback to continually improve. A growth mindset isn't necessarily a belief that anything is possible but more a belief that one's potential is unlimited through "passion, toil, and training" (p. 7).

This chapter left me thinking about:
  • How do I cope with failure?
  • How do I respond to those coping with failure?
  • How do I respond to a bad day?
  • How do I respond to those having a bad day?
  • How are my responses the same and different in my personal and professional lives?

Use the comments to share your thinking about the first chapter of Mindset.

(Chapter 2 - Inside the Mindsets is next. Join that conversation in late November.)

Mindset Online:
"Why a Growth Mindset Won't Work"
"Studies Hit on Ways to Nuture Students' 'Growth Mindsets'"

1 comment:

  1. Being at the Statewide Face-to-Face meeting totally aided in my own growth mindset!! Thanks, Barb :)


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