Friday, November 21, 2014

Bio: Diane Jenquin

Diane Jenquin's teaching career started in middle school science where she quickly realized that students couldn't fully enjoy science because they were struggling with reading and vocabulary. That is when Diane began to pursue her reading license. That was 23 years ago. Her siblings joke that she made a career out of getting sent to her room as a child where there was nothing to do but read!

One of Diane's most important jobs as been raising three children who are not young adults and share her passion for reading. She now has three dogs that live with her and each fit her children's personality. Diane's children, dogs, home remodeling, and design keep her busy. She also dabbles in making her own jewelry. She likes long walks on the beach, warm weather, and sunshine. Ha ha!

Five years ago, Diane took a nine credit literacy coaching class through Viterbo. With the help of two great mentors, Missy Bousley and Diane are now teaching the courses and having a blast sharing their passion and leadership skills.

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