Friday, October 25, 2013

This Week's To Do List

Today's post is brought to you by Andrea Reichenberger.

  • plan and deliver the last of 4 full days of professional development for all the 6-12 ELA teachers and co-teachers (ELL, SWD) on best practices in literacy instruction aligned to the CCSS.
  • check the teacher exit tickets from the Day 3 trainings and try to meet requests for teachers' need
  • observe, coach, and offer feedback to the 4 teachers who set up appointments with me this week to ensure they are implementing our 6-12 ELA program with fidelity
  • model close reading in a science classroom
  • help the new ELA teachers with their lesson planning
  • meet with the intervention class teacher for the 6 week progress monitoring check - look at data and develop the plan for the next 6 weeks based on students' needs
  • finish the design "look for" lists and protocols for peer, coach, and administrative classroom observations  (This week is Purpose and Modeling look for tool.)
  • attend the Secondary Leadership Team (principals, asst. principals, directors, and superintendent) meeting and communicate what they should be looking for in the classrooms
  • set agenda and meet with my building principal
  • meet with the technology department chair to plan creation of READ posters
  • meet with the high school math coach and the director of curriculum to design the end of the month staff development for both the middle school and high school on Standards Based Learning (more specifically on Assessment and Feedback) (Bring notes from last week's brain storming session)
  • design and finish the write up of the interventions for the RtI menu
  • figure out how to use the ALPINE system to triangulate the data and look at which students qualify for interventions (Almost done!)
  • train teachers (those who asked first) on how to read their data since MAP testing is almost complete. (Um...not sure I will accomplish this? May have to push off until next week.)
  • attend the FOCUS team meeting this week to evaluate and modify our current school goals
  • review and order books for our Parent Literacy Night and for the ELA dept. (Working with Scholastic so I can get points to order more books!)
  • finish writing grants and figure out other clever ways to build classroom libraries (see above item).
  • set up training for the social studies dept. on the disciplinary literacy standards. (Done.  Just need to attend the training and make sure the same message is delivered from all sides. Thanks to the consultants at DPI!)
  • check out the latest reviews for YA literature titles and schedule a visit from the Youth Services Librarian from the public library to do book talks.  (Need to get input from the ELA teachers about upcoming dates.)
  • order professional titles and find articles to share with teachers. (On-going)
  • meet with the district K-12 math, literacy, GT, ELL and technology coaches as a large group. (No meeting this week! Phew!)
  • meet with the K-12 district literacy coaches. (No meeting this week! Phew!)
  • plan for late start discussion about ELA curriculum spiral and encourage team members to have conversations and come to agreements about what they should be teaching and assessing.
  • eat (Only if there is time.)
  • use the restroom (Only if there is time.)
  • write my blog post for the Literacy Booth coaching blog! When am I going to find the time to do THAT too?

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